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Speech, Language, Literacy & Feeding Therapy for Children

What to expect from your child’s speech therapy assessment

A Mum asked what to expect from an assessment the other day and I thought there are probably lots of other parents who feel overwhelmed or confused by this process. So today I’m going to let you all know what is reasonable to expect from your initial consultation with a speech therapy professional. Then I …Continue reading

Is speech therapy worth it?

I had a friend ask me the other week whether speech therapy was worth the time and money or should you just wait and see if they grow out of it. It was an honest question and I appreciated his forthright approach. In response to that I want to share a few little known facts: …Continue reading

Strategies to help children with listening difficulties

• Remember listening difficulties are not the same as hearing difficulties, speaking more loudly or clearly will not always help. The difficulty lies not in receiving the signal but rather the quality and then internal processing of the auditory signal. • Eliminate background noise (e.g. fish tanks, traffic, computers, people talking) or if this is …Continue reading

Top three tips for teaching your child to talk

It can be heartbreaking watching your little one frustrated and unable to communicate. Late talkers who don’t get the right support are at risk of literacy and social difficulties. You want desperately to help them learn how to talk but how do you teach a child to talk? The most powerful and proven strategies for …Continue reading

10 Tips for helping your child learn to play

Playing might seem like it should be the most natural thing in the world for a young child to do. But, for some little people, especially those with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) it is extremely challenging and they need extra help to develop these skills. Here are a few tips to help you teach your …Continue reading

Getting help for fussy or picky eaters – red flags to look for

Red flags are an indication that you need to call in reinforcements for your picky eater or fussy feeder. The following red flags mean your child needs a referral to a feeding therapist if you don’t already have one:  Restricted variety of foods, usually less than 20 foods  Loses foods that they have …Continue reading

Speech Parents Facebook Group “s” sound tips appearing soon!

Head on over to our Speech Parents Facebook Group and look out for the /s/ sound tips and tricks that will be posted in the next 24 hours. New members are always welcome. Just go to the page and ask to join! Speech Parents is for anyone who has a child with speech difficulties, …Continue reading

My child has a speech problem…is it my fault?

An open letter to every parent who blames themselves for their child’s communication difficulties: Dear parent, Let’s just get this question out of the dark recesses of the back of your mother-guilt-ridden mind and out into the light. “My child has a speech problem…is it my fault?” I’ve seen way too many of you come to …Continue reading

Feeding Therapy Group Term 2, 2015

We are so excited about the opportunity we have to provide a feeding therapy group for some of our clients starting in April. In fact, the team is all so keen on this that there will be 2 speech pathologists and a therapy assistant helping out with different aspects of this group. If you have …Continue reading

Renovations in progress

Over the Christmas holidays our builder Peter is hard at work fitting out our two new offices including our first dedicated feeding therapy room! Renovations and painting for the new clinic rooms will be completed in early 2015 and then our reception area will be fitted out over the Easter break later in the year.

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