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2015 August
Speech, Language, Literacy & Feeding Therapy for Children

August, 2015

Strategies to help children with listening difficulties

• Remember listening difficulties are not the same as hearing difficulties, speaking more loudly or clearly will not always help. The difficulty lies not in receiving the signal but rather the quality and then internal processing of the auditory signal. • Eliminate background noise (e.g. fish tanks, traffic, computers, people talking) or if this is …Continue reading

Top three tips for teaching your child to talk

It can be heartbreaking watching your little one frustrated and unable to communicate. Late talkers who don’t get the right support are at risk of literacy and social difficulties. You want desperately to help them learn how to talk but how do you teach a child to talk? The most powerful and proven strategies for …Continue reading

10 Tips for helping your child learn to play

Playing might seem like it should be the most natural thing in the world for a young child to do. But, for some little people, especially those with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) it is extremely challenging and they need extra help to develop these skills. Here are a few tips to help you teach your …Continue reading
