Feeding/Picky Eaters
Hope for parents of picky eaters
It’s on again! Transforming Picky Eaters into Peaceful Feeders – the parent workshop with a twist. After a sell-out workshop event last year we are once again opening the doors to help you learn how to stop table tantrums, manage mealtime meltdowns and nourish your child who struggles to eat or refuses foods. Trying to parent …
The importance of customer feedback
We are lucky in Toowoomba to have a wide variety of medical and allied health services that deliver excellent care, but none of us can improve if we don’t get feedback. We’ve had some new families choose us to help their children recently and these parents have commented on how different our service was to some other …
Sweetest video and note from a little client!
Hi Sam and Rachel Thank you for telling Mummy and Daddy how to best feed me with all my little challenges. I LOVE… Posted by Michelle Jensen on Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Help your child learn to eat (and enjoy!) vegetables
I came across a really interesting new study this year investigating how parents can help their children learn to eat a disliked vegetable. They compared the following five groups: A control group that didn’t get any intervention Parents presented the vegetable every day Parents presented the vegetable every day and modelled eating that …